Monday, November 30, 2009

Rerouting some water from Red Oak Park subject of today's 7 p.m. public meeting of Ward 4 in Room 111 of City Hall

Photos of Red Oak Park at link below:
Photos of Red Oak Park

Red Oak Park To Be Discussed At Ward 4 Meeting
By Skip Descant
Monday, November 30, 2009
FAYETTEVILLE — City park officials are looking for public comment and review for drainage improvements slated for Red Oak Park.
The work to repair the washed-out stream bank in the park, located at 4600 W. New Bridge Road, is being reviewed by Fayetteville engineering and park officials. Additional public comment will come tonight during the Ward 4 meeting.
Aerial-photo map of the park area below is view with North to the left. Water enters the park from the right and flows to the left and into Hamestring Creek, which flows west to the Illinois River.

The sections of washed-out bank should have been completed months ago. However, funds were diverted from that project to become the matching funds needed for a Water Conservation Resource Center grant to restore the bank of the Niokaska Creek in Sweetbriar Park.
The diversion of funds to Sweetbrier Park, located at 2645 E. Sweetbrier Drive, irked residents and City Council members.
“Obviously, we want to take grants where we can get them, and Sweetbriar’s important,” said Kyle Cook, a Ward 2 alderman, speaking about the project at a September City Council agenda session. “But I don’t want to take money from Red Oak after we’ve already made commitments to these people.”
Money from the city’s drainage fund will be used to fund the Red Oak project, which is moving forward, officials said.
“So from our opinion, they’re both going to be funded,” said Don Marr, Fayetteville chief of staff.

Ward 4
When: 7 p.m. today
Where: Room 111, Fayetteville City Hall, 113 W. Mountain St.

Friday, November 20, 2009

Red Oak Park plan to be repeated at Ward 4 meeting in city hall at 7 p.m. Monday, November 30, 2009

Public Meeting
Hamestring Tributary Restoration
through Red Oak Park
5:30 PM Thursday, November 19, 2009
Public Meeting Handout.11-19-09 Page 1 of 3
I. Existing Conditions and Explanation of Problem:

• The approximately 100-acre watershed that is draining through Red Oak Park COMPRISES
mostly 1⁄4-acre residential lots. Predevelopment land use was undeveloped pasture.
Undeveloped pasture 20% to 30% storm water runoff
Residential development 60% to 75% storm water runoff
• The average storm water velocity within the park area and the downstream property computed
by the City Engineering staff in 2004 was approximately 10 feet per second.
• The soils (cherty silt loam) are highly susceptible to erosion and the stream will likely continue to
erode due to the geology of the adjacent soils, the volume of storm water and the resulting high
velocities. However, survey data obtained in 2009 shows minimal changes in the stream
channel when compared to the data collected in 2004 which may indicate that the erosion is
stabilizing somewhat.
• Several mature trees that are in close proximity to the channel are in danger of falling due to the
erosion within the root systems. Approximately 15 trees were removed within the park after the
January 2009 ice storm.
• The railroad ties in the upstream portion of the channel are washing downstream.
• Severe erosion has occurred around the gabion structures located in the northern area of the
park. The Parks and Recreation staff has removed one gabion structure to alleviate flooding and
• Severe erosion is also occurring on the property downstream from the park. The downstream
property owner removed approx. 35 dump truck loads of gravel from a manmade dam area in
2002. The same level of sedimentation returned in less than two years.

II. Where Have We Been?

1986 Aerial photographs show the immediate area around what is now Red Oak Park as wooded.
The aerial shows the land use from Wedington Drive north to Hamestring Creek and from 51st
Avenue east to Rupple Road was undeveloped. A small subdivision existed just north of
Wedington Drive, and a few chicken houses were scattered throughout this area.

2004 A drainage study was performed by the City Engineering staff. Recommendations included 400
feet of 60” diameter storm pipe and 600 feet of creek stabilization using native stone boulders,
compacted hillside material and colored concrete on the section south of New Bridge Road. On
the section north of New Bridge Road, 275 feet of 66” diameter storm pipe with a small grass-
lined swale was recommended.

2007 Mr. Dave Evans, Region 1 Stream Team Coordinator of the Arkansas Game and Fish
Commission (AGFC), provided another design to attempt to resolve the erosion problems that
exist in the stream that bisects the park. A permit for this design was obtained from the U.S.
Army Corps of Engineers (USACE). Proposed project included:
♦ Removal of the existing concrete, railroad ties and gabion structures;
♦ Significant tree removal (approximately 55 to 70 trees);
♦ Modification of the existing channel to create a larger area to handle runoff events which
included shaping one or both banks to increase the total channel area;
♦ Construction of approximately 20 pairs and 14 individual rock plunge pools within the newly
shaped channel; and
♦ Tree and shrub planting plan to establish vegetation.

Parks and Engineering staff began to reconsider the natural stream channel approach after the
stream restoration project was completed at Gulley Park.
Public Meeting
Hamestring Tributary Restoration
through Red Oak Park
5:30 PM Thursday, November 19, 2009
Public Meeting Handout.11-19-09 Page 2 of 3
II. Where Have We Been? (continued)

2009 Additional drainage calculations and analyses were performed by the City Engineering staff.
Recommendations include two options as shown in the drawings and as described below:

Table 1. Comparison of Design Options
Description Pros Cons Cost Estimates*
Option 1
Debris collection at south end of
park; channel restoration thru
park; one 24” dia. pipe and one
36” dia. pipe in park; stilling
basin on north end of park; two
42” dia. pipes and plunge pool
on adjacent property north of

Design will resolve the
erosion problems in the

Will allow for some
reclamation of park land
near New Bridge Road

Significantly less tree
removal within park than
AGFC design

More expensive than
Option 2

Will not provide
significant infiltration
of storm water

In Red Oak Park -

Downstream -

Total $490,000
Option 2
Control structure with debris
collection in park south of New
Bridge Road; removal of
existing park pavilion; no
channel restoration thru park; no
pipes in park; stilling basin on
north end of park; two 42” dia.
pipes and plunge pool on
adjacent property north of park.

Will allow for some
infiltration of storm water
in the park south of New
Bridge Road

Basically no tree
removal within park

Less expensive than
Option 1 allowing for
park funds to be utilized
at Bryce Davis Park
(new Community Park
under design) or at the
southernmost 2.25 acres
of Red Oak Park

Design will not
resolve the erosion
problems in the park

Existing park will be
reclassified and used
only as a natural
greenway area
In Red Oak Park -

Downstream -

Total $215,000

* Cost Estimates include construction by outside contractor(s)

III. Funding Items:

• This project is funded with Sales Tax funds. The cost estimates shown in Table 1 above include
construction by outside contractor(s). Cost estimates of materials only for each option are:

Option 1 (Materials Only): In Red Oak Park-$166,000; downstream $96,000 Total $262,000
Option 2 (Materials Only): In Red Oak Park-$35,000; downstream $85,000 Total $120,000

• Earlier plan included partnering with the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission. The cost
estimate for Materials Only was $99,530. The project was financially viable because of the
assistance of AGFC staff (at no cost to the City) and the use of City staff and equipment for tree
removal, excavation, placement of stone and revegetation with grass. The use of volunteers for
the planting of the shrubs and trees also kept the project cost low.
Public Meeting
Hamestring Tributary Restoration
through Red Oak Park
5:30 PM Thursday, November 19, 2009
Public Meeting Handout.11-19-09 Page 3 of 3
IV. Where Are We Going?

• Storm water detention in the upper area of the watershed is most likely not possible due to the
development. Engineers from the local USDA offices performed a preliminary assessment of the
site to determine the size of detention basin that would be required to contain the flow. Their
preliminary assessment concluded that there is not enough area available for detention.
Additionally. City Engineering Staff confirmed that detention is not an option without significant
tree removal and earthwork (i.e., removal of all trees and several feet of excavation of the entire
park area).
• The use of rain gardens is not likely feasible due to the fact that the City cannot require
residents to install and maintain the gardens on their properties. Additionally, a comprehensive
study must be performed to determine the best placement of rain gardens, etc. The bulk of the
storm water flow into the channel that runs through Red Oak Park is coming from the streets
and underground piping associated with the surrounding subdivisions. In addition, rain gardens
are typically designed for two-year or smaller rain events, and larger storm event flows and
velocities are not affected by rain gardens.
• Any work in the channel requires a Section 404 permit from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
(USACE), and any new or different design will require a new application to the Corps.

Proposed Schedule of Events:

• Select an option based on public input.
• Complete the construction documents for the chosen design and re-submit to the USACE for
approval and permitting.
• After approval and permitting by USACE, the project may be advertised for bids.
• Construction can begin after a qualified contractor is selected.

V. Questions and Comments

Public Meeting
Hamestring Tributary Restoration
through Red Oak Park
5:30 PM Thursday, November 19, 2009

Please use this sheet to submit your written comments to the Parks and Recreation Department. You are not
required to include your name and address, but we have provided a space for you to do so if you would like.
Please send your completed form to the address at the bottom of this sheet by December 4, 2009. Thank you
for taking time to comment on this important issue.

Do you prefer proposed Option 1 which includes channel restoration through Red Oak Park or proposed
Option 2 which does not include any channel restoration through Red Oak Park or “Other” option(s)? (Please
mark one below)

___________ I prefer Option 1.

___________ I prefer Option 2.

___________ I prefer “Other” option(s).

Please write any additional comments below as to these two options or other ideas/options you wish to offer:
Name Address Phone E-mail

Return to: Fayetteville Parks and Recreation Department
113 West Mountain Street
Fayetteville, AR 72701
Phone: (479) 444-3471 ext. 471
Fax: (479) 521-7714

Friday, November 13, 2009

Red Oak Park plan would tear up the ground and displace mature trees and other significant vegetation but do nothing to protect the park from the huge upstream flow of water from the south, east and west

Red Oak Park Plan

MAYBE, this plan would help protect the property of the landowner downstream to the north toward Hamestring Creek. But it will totally miss the point of trying to protect the existing mature trees and will allow an incredible increase in erosion during construction and have only a minimal chance of improving the park in any credible way.

The only worthwhile and effective use of the money set aside for this plan would be KEEPING the water WATER WHERE IT FALLS: On the lots in the subdivisions to the south, east and west in raingardens created in the yards and in the treeless portion of the park at the southeast corner.

Helping people create raingardens using the natural soil remaining in the area and encouraging NOT to mow but to protect native vegetation there would decrease the dangerous runoff to a manageable level.

It is illogical to spend money doing some that won't meet the goals of the people who originally began complaining about the situation.

Fayetteville's engineering and park departments team up to create plan to "restore" channel of stream in Red Oak Park

Please click on image to ENLARGE and go to Flickr site to Enlarge view and to navigate to see related photos.
Left is north Red Oak Park inside black line except some to right not includedDSCN7527red oak plan

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Tour of Woolsey Wet Prairie and Fayetteville's westside sewage-treatment plant at 2 p.m. today precedes big evening for Illinois River Watershed Partnership

Illinois River Watershed Partnership
Annual Stakeholders Meeting
November 10, 2009
2:00 to 3:30 pm Tour of Fayetteville West Side Treatment Plant and Woolsey Wet Prairie
4:00 pm. Tour of Fayetteville Sam's Club
5:30 pm Hors d'oeuvres at Arvest Ballpark, Springdale
6:00 pm Sponsor Recognition and Golden Paddle Awards Reception
7:00 pm. Annual Membership and Board Meeting
Thank you for your dedicated efforts and support
to preserve, protect and restore the Illinois River Watershed.

To see evidence of the need for protection, please click on image to ENLARGE example of construction-site erosion in the Illinois River Watershed.
From Northwest Arkansas environment central

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Veterans Memorial 5K entry form for Saturday, November 7, 2009

Please click on image to move to Flicker site and ENLARGE.
5K Entry form 09
Please click on image to move to Flickr page and ENLARGE view.
Please click on image to ENLARGE view of a sample of items that will be in the goody bags of the first 300 runners who sign up for the Nov. 7, 2009, Veterans 5K.
Please click on image to go to Flickr page to Enlarge logos of first two major sponsors of the Veterans' 5K race set for November 7, 2009, in Fayetteville, Arkansas.
Bank of Fayetteville ad 09
Condom Sense 09

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Chance to learn about stream-bank restoration and get a free lunch on Thursday November 5, 2009

November 5 Streambank Restoration Workshop, Springdale 9 am. to 3 pm. at Springdale city-administration building.
To register for free riparian demonstration workshop, email
IRWP Streambank Restoration Workshop
The Workshop will be led by Bobby Hernandez, Region 6 USEPA Community Planner and Jon Fripp of Fort Worth,NRCS.
Workshop partners include the City of Springdale Tree City USA committee, the Arkansas Forestry Commission, the Arkansas Association of Conservation Districts, the Arkansas Natural Resources Commission (ANRC), Natural Resources Conservation Services (NRCS), and the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission
The workshop will cover several key areas of restoration including:
TECHNIQUES: Various streambank restoration techniques and successful technology and projects will be emphasized as well as unsuccessful restoration projects highlighted.
DEMONSTRATION: Demonstration of Jet Stinger technology will be used to plant willow cuttings along streambanks in the host city of Springdale, Arkansas.
IMPLEMENTATION: Implementation of low cost riparian and stormwater Best
Management Practices to improve water quality and reduce pollution in the Illinois River Watershed.